Serien er inspireret af katalog-arien fra Mozarts opera Don Juan. Her opremser tjeneren Leoporello alle de kvinder, som Don Juan har forført. Jeg har prøvet af indfange lidt af kvinderne i tusch-streger. Originalerne måler ca. 10 x 30 cm. Print kan bestilles i variable størrelser – også i sammesatte versioner. Nedenfor tekst fra wikipedia:

My dear lady, this is the list
Of the beauties my master has loved,
A list which I have compiled.
Observe, read along with me.

In Italy, six hundred and forty;
In Germany, two hundred and thirty-one;
A hundred in France; in Turkey, ninety-one;
But in Spain already one thousand and three.

Among these are peasant girls,
Maidservants, city girls,
Countesses, baronesses,
Marchionesses, princesses,
Women of every rank,
Every shape, every age.

With blondes it is his habit
To praise their kindness;
In brunettes, their faithfulness;
In the white-haired, their sweetness.

In winter he likes fat ones.
In summer he likes thin ones.
He calls the tall ones majestic.
The little ones are always charming.

He seduces the old ones
For the pleasure of adding to the list.
His greatest favourite
Is the young beginner.

It doesn’t matter if she’s rich,
Ugly or beautiful;
If she wears a skirt,
You know what he does.